Social Signals – The New Currency of the Web

Sharing is an innate part of the human psyche. We just love to share anything that catches our fancy. A cute cat video? Let’s share it with our Facebook friends! A celebrity posting a very witty status update on Twitter? Retweet it! The Internet and social networking websites made the entire sharing process a whole […]

What A Social WordPress Analytics Plugin Can Tell You

Have you ever wondered about Social Metrics Pro? In an age where social media is becoming just as important as SEO, it makes sense that WordPress Analytics technology like this would present itself eventually. Social Media is needed for better search engine rankings, and Google’s always incorporating new elements into their search engine algorithm, making […]

5 Stories Social Metrics Pro Can Tell You

The world of SEO is constantly in flux. Tactics and techniques that would once have yielded superior page rankings no longer work as well as they used to, if at all; even well-optimized WordPress sites filled with quality content are sinking in the search results. You may be wondering how your competitors’ pages stay at […]

Web 3.0 – The Future of the Internet

What Happened To Web 1.0? Remember AOL keywords? Almost a decade ago, this was the primary form of online interaction that businesses used to engage in. You see a television commercial – a Ford car, for example – and then a message pops up at the end of it that goes something like this: “Go […]

5 Tips for Maximizing Localized Social Signals to Influence Buying Behavior

For small businesses, local search is everything. In fact, a geo-centric search engine marketing effort can prove more effective than an organic results-oriented campaign. This is largely because it’s difficult to divorce local SEO from social signals. Why? Local search is social. Users scour social review sites like and Google Places for a company’s […]