What A Social WordPress Analytics Plugin Can Tell You

Social Media Monitoring Implications

Social WordPress Analytics

Have you ever wondered about Social Metrics Pro? In an age where social media is becoming just as important as SEO, it makes sense that WordPress Analytics technology like this would present itself eventually. Social Media is needed for better search engine rankings, and Google’s always incorporating new elements into their search engine algorithm, making social media one of their newest inserts.

Social media indicates the popularity of a website with what is called “Social Signals“. They play a similar role that backlinking does, acting as a vote to a page, helping it to raise its page ranking. However, backlinks are more or less considered the old “vote” now, in which social media signals have taken over as the new “votes”. And these votes are simply interactions we see everyday on social media platforms –  likes, comment or re-tweets. What backlinks used to do, social signals now seem to be doing better.

There are plenty of people making a search engine ranking splash with their website, whilst promoting it with a social media platform. If anything, it makes sense to use social media now more than ever. Think about it, it gets your name out there for no cost whatsoever -FREE advertising!

How effective any social media campaign is, may be judged using a social media analytics plugin. Sure, you would want to generate as much buzz as possible on the Internet as you possibly can, but without some sort of social media analytics and tracking software, there is no way of knowing how far your voice travels, and how many people are even listening.

Social Metrics Pro tracks how many people like your posts, share your posts, tweet and retweets your stuff, and +1s your content. If you maintain a WordPress site or blog, you will be able to know which content gathers the most social admiration.

One of the best things about Social Metrics Pro is that you can track the social media you care about, without it getting too complicated. You may not mind complicated, but when it comes to routine tasks like data analyses, you probably just want to find the data and get it over and done with. You will never have to fiddle with the graphical user interface of the wordpress plugin as you would when you’re about to fly a jumbo jet, assuming you aren’t a professional pilot.

Social Metrics Pro monitors the most common social media votes – the typical social signals from StumbleUpon, Digg, Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter and Google+. Even in if you are only really interested in Facebook and Twitter, it is good to know that you may check other platforms if you wish. It will come in handy if you join another social media group.

Like the classic phrase (that Judge Judy stole to name her book), Social Metrics Pro employs a KISS policy. The acronym stands for “Keep It Simple Stupid”. On a side note, Judge Judy changed the name of her book on later publications, because she was advised that calling people stupid was not a great move, even though she does it 500 times per day in court, (don’t listen to PR experts). But back to the issue in hand – Social Metrics Pro has been KISSed up with the use of colors to represent your popularity on social media. It makes checking up on your stats that little bit easier. All you have to remember is that green is good, and red means you’ve got some adjustments to make in your social marketing campaign. You don’t have check your stats every day though – because then it becomes a chore. With Social Metrics Pro, occasionally look for the greens, mark down the reds and think of what you could do to change the reds to green. Results don’t usually happen overnight, unless one of your posts went viral. If that were the case, you’d probably see one green in a pool of reds which sounds terribly bad, but don’t be alarmed because each posts are compared relatively to each other. So if you do have one spectacular post that did go viral overnight, you should be extremely glad.

In the past it was difficult to tell how well you were doing with social media, but now you are able to measure. Better yet, when you see that your popularity is riding high in green, it will let you analyze why. If that isn’t good enough and you’re a sucker for high-level statistics, you can export your data into excel for further analysis. Social Metrics Pro helps you plan your future social media campaigns.

So, have you been tracking your social signals?

About Daniel Tan

Daniel Tan: A veteran Internet Marketer. Founder of SomoThemes, Social Metrics Pro, SEOPressor and XTabApps. Daniel's focus is to simplify marketing with technology, to help marketers reach more people in an organized and effective way.

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