Top 10 Ways to Make Your Content Go Viral

If you frequently scour the Internet the phrase “viral content” or “going viral” is seen quite often and is a term that refers to a webpage, blog, YouTube video, tweets etc that takes the world by storm and attracts visitors in vast numbers, see’s links to the page and/or “retweets” galore, driving even more internet traffic to the source. The question is what are the Top 10 ways to make your content go viral?

The first thing that should be emphasized is that creating “viral content” is not formulated and there is a reliance on a number of factors that are beyond your control. However, there are some measures you can take to create the best possible content that has a chance of “going viral.

1.Understand the limits

As stated above, you cannot “make” content viral but it can be hoped for. Ultimately the chances of success initially depend on the content of the article. Blog or tweet, and what may appeal to the majority of readers. The reality however is that if content does “go viral” it is in all probability down to luck.


This is the one aspect that you have full control over so make the most of it. Viral content needs to be one or more of the following, interesting, engaging, compelling, funny or at least amusing, a niche topper and moving. Many people will advise content of 300- 600 words for an article but contrary to popular belief, a longer article will be read if the content contains the right characteristics.

3.Create value

This is another aspect you can control to an extent by adding value or perceived value to the content with catchy titles, for example, How to…, top 10… I.e. content that has instructions on how to achieve something. Breaking news, warnings about products, online viruses or phishing scams, contests and freebies normally attract higher levels of interest.

4.Knowing what people want

On the surface this appears to be a difficult hurdle but there are some basics that improve the possibility of “going viral”. Positive uplifting content, something that makes the reader feel good about themselves and others, content that triggers an emotional response or valuable information are typical approaches toward creating viral content. Depending on your niche then other factors can come in to play such as cute babies, adorable animals, animals performing tricks can all aid in capturing the attention of the reader and enhancing their experience of your article.

5.Provide an abundance of free information

Sharing as much information as possible without an agenda of a sales pitch will gain more respect from the end user. Good quality and useful information is always readily accepted but beware of the possibility of excess product or self-promotion.

6.Overdoing your content promotion

If you are providing links to external sites, be selective in where you are taking the end user. It is not possible for everything you are highlighting is “the next best thing” and over promoting can be a real turn off and your internet traffic is likely to fade away quite quickly. The bottom line is to refrain from making the reader feel pressurized in to buying something or reading something they are not really interested in.

7.Make your content visible

An obvious aspect to gaining viral content is to make sure your content can be found easily and quickly. The starting point is the domain address of your website, is it something easy to remember? If you are using sites such as Facebook, YouTube, Flickr etc. Have you already got a good following? Social Media sites are a great place to advertise, using links back to your website, with some short captivating headline and content to raise the level of interest. In the article content, make use of good keywords and tags to make it easier for search engines to find your site.

8.Build momentum

To become “viral” you need traffic but how do you increase this traffic and create a momentum to take your content through the roof? One method is by planting an idea in the readers head, a subtle “call to action”, whereby the reader is pondering whether or not to follow through. As an example you post a tweet and you want retweets, simply ask for this to be done by adding “please retweet”, the result may surprise you. Making full use of social media icons from a website is a must as most of your traffic is likely to come from one of these sources, especially if retweets and link sharing is taking place on the social media sites. Do not be shy of asking for end users to perform certain actions on your behalf such as posting a poll, check out my blog, article, video, free brochure etc. Even asking for feedback on your website may attract attention but be prepared for criticism as well as praise. In the current wave of online social interaction, many people are only too happen to give an opinion, so make use of this and act accordingly in future articles and promotions.

9.Be careful with the timing

Timing can be crucial but unfortunately this is possibly the single hardest aspect to control. When exactly is the right time? To know the answer you will need to be highly attuned to the topic you intend to publish; it is more of a feeling than a scientifically based theory. If you have vast knowledge and experience in the field you are dealing with, instinct will play a major role in selecting the “right time”, unless a competitor has already published something similar, in which case the right time becomes “now”.

10.Connecting with your readers

Many readers may want to know more and if there is a simple method available for them to contact you. An email link, comment box, forums, contact forms effectively perform the same function, to create social interaction, and readers like to feel involved.

About Daniel Tan

Daniel Tan: A veteran Internet Marketer. Founder of SomoThemes, Social Metrics Pro, SEOPressor and XTabApps. Daniel's focus is to simplify marketing with technology, to help marketers reach more people in an organized and effective way.

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