1. Paint Yourself in a Professional Light
Let’s start at the beginning. Perception is critical, particularly when dealing in virtual business relationships. In order to ensure that you present yourself to be as credible as possible, write a professional but short bio (check spelling and grammar!). Additionally, include a direct link to your business website and/or blog.
It may sound obvious, but your profile picture is critical because it represents the face of your company. So, don’t choose a silly avatar (unless you’re a comedy writer). A professional picture of you smiling will do just fine. You can also opt for a picture of your company logo. Whatever you do, choose carefully, because once the picture is up, you will want to think long and hard before deciding on replacing it. Your avatar is the visual representation of you and your company.
2. Communication is Key
Don’t think of Twitter as being a scripted format. Create a flowing dialogue with your followers, and make them feel like they are part of your team. In other words, don’t talk AT them, talk with them. After all, Twitter is a social network!
Do you receive positive feedback from your followers? Don’t be afraid to retweet it! They will get a kick out of seeing their tweets, and it will go a long way in reaffirming your objective of creating a sense of community with them. We follow people who acknowledge us and don’t simply try to push their product or service. So, take a little time out every day to engage your followers by retweeting and responding to DM’s.
Above all, remain personable. No one likes a salesman, but if you sell yourself as part of the package, you will have an easier time winning over your audience.
3. Follow the Leader
Be a leader in sharing industry news. Provide your followers with links to new information about your industry as soon as it becomes available. It will show them you are a leader and a progressive in your line of work, and you will soon become their go-to-person for industry-related news and information.
Also, marketing is about appreciation, showing and sharing your expertise, so prove to your followers that you are THE expert they should seek out by sharing your personally-penned industry-related blog and article links, while acknowledging them.
4. Timing is Everything
Tweet wisely. Don’t overdo it, and don’t under do it. Send tweets in measured doses, separating each by at least an hour, limiting yourself to a handful of tweets per day. You will stay on your follower’s radar and you won’t annoy them by cluttering their news feed.
5. Variety is the Spice of Life
Keep your tweets varied and your followers will stay interested. Sure, you need to promote your business products and services, but retweeting positive feedback and industry-related links or quotes from recognized names will add the necessary variety required to keep your followers tuned in to your message. Adding a personal tone on occasion is good business, too. Sharing a bit of positive insight, or a quote you find inspiring will add to your effort of sharing a personal connection with your followers.
6. Links, Links, Links
Twitter is a wonderful marketing tool, but when it stands alone, it can only do so much. It is critical to include links to your business website(s), and to integrate with other social networking platforms you employ. Be sure to provide your Twitter name on your business website, Facebook page, LinkedIn profile, and any other business-related network site you are registered with. Just as importantly, make sure that your Twitter followers have the information available to them so they can access your business on the other sites as well.
Make sure a significant percentage of retweets contain links. This is important to keep in mind because every time someone retweets you, you are receiving free advertising that reaches their followers.
7. Keep it Short
Finally, no one likes a chatterbox. Attention spans aren’t what they used to be, so keep your tweets short and relevant. There is another purpose served by minimizing the length of your tweets. If you want your followers to retweet you, make sure to leave enough characters to promote easy retweeting. It could make all the differences.
With so many businesses vying for the public’s attention online, it is easy to get lost in the shuffle. By following these simple guidelines, you will stand out among the crowd. Above all else though, remember that each Tweet is critical. Every time you hit send, you are giving your followers a reason to either continue following you, or to unfollow you.
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